How to Research Title

Class Recording Now Available

Learn everything you need to know in order to research property titles like a real estate professional. You’ll save hundreds of dollars per deal by applying the information included in this course.

Online Title Course Includes:

Prophawk Portfolio Builder: Unlimited Map-Based Searches

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Prophawk Portfolio Builder

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Attend our Title Course and get one week of FREE access to Prophawk Portfolio Builder!

hosted by

Aaron Amuchastegui

Real Estate Investor and CEO of Roddy's Prophawk

In January of 2021, Aaron bet big on real estate and had returns of nearly 50% in under one year. Prior to that, Aaron flipped more than 1,000 houses and holds more than 800 single family properties for rentals. He was one of the first to invest in foreclosures in 2009 and started investing in Texas in 2015.

Additionally, Aaron has built several companies in real estate, construction, finance, and software focused on efficiency, productivity, and the “4-hour-workweek lifestyle.” As a lecturer, he helps others to work less and live more.

As someone who’s gone from “being broke to being blessed,” he’s hoping to help others succeed by sharing the knowledge, systems, and tools that he used to build an awesome life and achieve true financial freedom.

In the short time I’ve used PropHawk, I’ve already gotten some very good leads. Not only were contact details correct, several of the homeowners I’ve contacted are actually interested in selling soon. It's taking me much less time than anticipated to find deals.
Bryan White
Real Estate Investor
The integrated texting feature is one of the best I’ve ever tried. It takes me minutes to send dozens of texts, and it stores my conversations in the system! Very easy to follow up with the people who do respond. The response rate has also been high.
Jason Hanzel
Real Estate Agent and Investor